SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ExtensionEntity

Summary: High level overview across monitored databases


Name Type Notes
DatabaseId System.Int32 Reference to Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance.Id
GlobalDatabaseId System.Int32 Unique ID of database instance in Orion
CPUAlarmLevel System.Int32 CPU alarm level integer (See DPA.AlarmLevel entity for more details).
DiskAlarmLevel System.Int32 Disk alarm level integer (See DPA.AlarmLevel entity for more details).
MemoryAlarmLevel System.Int32 Memory alarm level integer (See DPA.AlarmLevel entity for more details).
OverallAlarmLevel System.Int32 Overall alarm level integer (See DPA.AlarmLevel entity for more details).
QueriesAlarmLevel System.Int32 Query Advice alarm level integer (See DPA.AlarmLevel entity for more details).
SessionAlarmLevel System.Int32 Sessions alarm level integer (See DPA.AlarmLevel entity for more details).
WaitTimeAlarmLevel System.Int32 Wait-Time category alarm level integer (Normal(2), Critical(5) or Unknown(3)). This property is calculated from WaitTimeCategory property: -1 equals to Unknown, 0-5 equals to Normal and 6-10 equals to Critical
WaitTimeCategory System.Int32 Type of the "Wait" meter. Contains numeric values -1..10, meaning DOWN(-1), IDLE(0), LOW(1), ..., HIGH(5), LOW_ABNORMAL(6), ..., HIGH_ABNORMAL(10). In DPA UI, values 1-5 are shown as blue meter, abnormal values 6-10 have red meter. Normal/abnormal is an intra-instance information, indicating whether wait time of this particular instance is higher than usual for this instance, based on historical data. Values LOW - HIGH (normal as well as abnormal) represent inter-instance comparison, ie. how big/significant is today's wait time of this particular instance when compared to today's wait times of the other monitored instances.
WaitTimeSecs System.Double Total wait time today in seconds (in DPA, shows when you hover over the "Wait" meter).
WaitTimeEnd System.DateTime This date should represent the last date/time wait time related indicators were calculated for.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
DatabaseInstance Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance Defined by relationship Orion.DatabaseInstancePerformanceOverview (System.Reference)