SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: Information about DPA, version, SWIP ID, SWIS schema version, http(s) port(s)


Name Type Notes
ProductVersion System.String Version of DPA
SwisSchemaVersion System.Int32 Version of SWIS schema
SwipUserUUID System.Guid ID of SWIP user
HttpPort System.Int32 Number of HTTP port, NULL if not enabled
HttpsPort System.Int32 Number of HTTPS port, NULL if not enabled
FeatureCatalog System.String
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
DpaServer Orion.DPA.DpaServer Defined by relationship Orion.DpaServerProductInfo (System.Reference)