SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ExtensionEntity

Summary: Provides data-points of DB resources. It has single parameter that is required (DatabaseId) and two more that specifies what data will be returned for a given query. If one specifies both ResourceName and CategoryName in a WHERE clause than result set will contain single-resource data-points for specified time-frame (or default time-frame if Time property was not limited in WHERE clause). If at least one of these two parameters is missing than the result set will contain multiple-metric data-points limited by one data-point per metric (i.e. result set will contain a set of last data-point collected for each metric, if such data-point exists in last 60 minutes)


Name Type Notes
DatabaseId System.Int32 Specifies for which DB instance should resource data-points be fetched. Reference to Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance.Id
GlobalDatabaseId System.Int32 Unique ID of database instance in Orion
ResourceName System.String Specifies a name of a resource (e.g. Active Sessions, Memory Utilization, Signal Waits Percent) that must be equal to one of the records from DPA.ResourceDefinition.Name
CategoryName System.String Specifies a name of a category a resource belongs (e.g. CPU, Memory, Sessions) that must be equal to one of the records from DPA.ResourceDefinition.CategoryName
Time System.DateTime Specifies a time of a data-point
Value System.Double Specifies a double-precision value of this data-point in given time
TimeUnit System.Int32 Specifies a time-frame for which data-points should be fetched. If both Time > ABC and Time < XYZ are specified in WHERE clause this property will be ignored. It can take one of the following values: hour (3), day (4), week (5), month (6), six moths (61) or year (7). If Time is limited only by one side (< or >) than a time-frame will be specified as Time-TimeUnit to Time respectively Time to Time+TimeUnit
TimesliceUnit System.Int32 Force granularity of records within Time interval (by default there is auto detection based on the Time interval), supported values: as collected ('-1'), ten minutes (22), hour (3), day (4)
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.