SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ExtensionEntity

Summary: Trend data for DB instance per dimension


Name Type Notes
DatabaseId System.Int32 Reference to Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance.Id. This parameter is not required for data-dimensions 18, 19 and 20 (see bellow – virtual dimensions). On the other hand this parameter can be specified with WHERE Id IN (x, y, z) for these three dimensions
GlobalDatabaseId System.Int32 Unique ID of database instance in Orion
Id System.Int32 Trend data-dimension; possible values are: SQL (1), WAIT (2), PROGRAM (3), DATABASE_INSTANCE (4), MACHINE (5), DB_USER (6), OS_USER (7), FILE (8), DRIVE (9), PLAN (10), ACTION (11), MODULE (12), PARTITION (13), OBJECT (14), PROCEDURE (15) and virtual dimensions TOP_WAIT (18), TRENDING_UP_WAIT (19), TRENDING_DOWN_WAIT (20)
Name System.String Data-dimension names–readable data-dimension representations: 'SQL Statement', 'Wait-time', 'Program', 'Database', 'Machine', 'Database User', 'O/S User', 'File', 'Drive', 'Plan', 'Action', 'Module', 'Partition', 'Object', 'Procedure', 'Top Wait-time', 'Trending-up Wait-time', 'Trending-down Wait-time'
Wait System.Double Total wait-time in seconds for each returned record. For Trending-up (down) wait-time this value represents percent change (not time)
AverageWait System.Double Default='0'. Average wait-time in seconds for DB instance
Time System.DateTime Time-stamp of entity record (operators <, <=, > and >= can be used in WHERE clauses on this field)
TimeUnit System.Int32 Used for filtration of records by setting desired granularity (millis (0), seconds (1), minutes (2), hours (3), days (4), weeks (5), months (6)) Since this is only a prototype the only values allowed are 3 (hours) and 4 (days) and both are mutually exclusive (you cannot get records for both hours and days by a single query)
InstanceId System.Int64 IDs of an instances in DPA; for programs, machines, users, etc. these are typically generically-generated IDs in local repository table; for SQL texts these are SQL hashes
InstanceName System.String Name of an instance; e.g. 'IGNITE' (for program), 'administrator-XYZ' (for user), 348A3F21 (for SQL text)
InstanceValue System.String Typically set only for SQLs–this field contains full SQL text
MaxInstances System.Int32 Serves only to limit the maximal number of monitored database instances to be retrieved (top 5, 10, etc.)
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
DatabaseInstance Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance Defined by relationship Orion.DatabaseInstanceTrendDataDimension (System.Reference)