SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: This entity presents component statistics.


Name Type Notes
NodeID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of parent node.
ApplicationID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of application.
ApplicationAvailability System.Int32 The integer value that contains the application availability.
ComponentID System.Int64 The unique integer representation of component.
ComponentName System.String The string value that contains the name of component.
ComponentType System.Int32 The integer value that contains the component type.
ComponentAvailability System.Int32 The integer value that contains the component availability.
ComponentErrorCode System.Int32 The integer value that contains the component error code.
ComponentPortNumber System.Int32 The integer value that contains the port number.
ComponentResponseTime System.Int64 The long value that contains the response time.
ComponentStatisticData System.Double The double value that contains the component statistic.
ComponentPID System.Int32 The integer value that contains the process ID.
ComponentProcessName System.String The string value that contains the name of process.
ComponentPercentCPU System.Double The double value that contains the component CPU usage.
ComponentPercentMemory System.Double The double value that contains the component memory usage.
ComponentMemoryUsed System.Int64 The long value that contains the component memory used.
ComponentPercentVirtualMemory System.Double The double value that contains the component virtual memory usage.
ComponentVirtualMemoryUsed System.Int64 The long value that contains the component virtual memory used.
ComponentIOReadOperationsPerSec System.Double The double value that contains the component IO read operations per second.
ComponentIOWriteOperationsPerSec System.Double The double value that contains the component IO write operations per second.
ComponentIOTotalOperationsPerSec System.Double The double value that contains the component IO total operations per second.
InstanceCount System.Int32 The integer value that contains the instance count.
ErrorMessage System.String The string value that contains component error message.
Description System.String The string value that contains component statistics entity description.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
Component Orion.APM.Component Defined by relationship Orion.APM.ComponentCurrentStatistics (System.Hosting)