SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ExtensionEntity

Summary: This entity presents dynamic evidence statistics. Used to present script monitors statistics.


Name Type Notes
ComponentStatusID System.Int64 The unique integer representation of parent component status.
ColumnSchemaID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of parent column schema.
RowNumber System.Int32 The integer value that contains column position.
ColumnType System.Int16 The integer value that contains column type(string or numeric).
ColumnDisabled System.Boolean The boolean value that specifies if column is disabled.
ColumnName System.String The string value that contains the name of column.
ColumnLabel System.String The string value that contains the column label.
ColumnThresholdWarning System.Double The integer value that contains the threshold warning level.
ColumnThresholdCritical System.Double The integer value that contains the threshold critical level.
ColumnThresholdOperator System.Int16 The integer value that contains the threshold operator(0 -greater than;1 - greater than or equal to;2 - equal to;3 - less than or equal to;4 - less than;5 - not equal to.).
MinNumericData System.Double The double value that contains the minimum numeric data.
AvgNumericData System.Double The double value that contains the average numeric data.
MaxNumericData System.Double The double value that contains the maximum numeric data.
StringData System.String The string value that contains the string column output.
ErrorCode System.Int32 The integer value that contains the dynamic evidence error code.
OSErrorCode System.Int32 The integer value that contains the operation system error code.
StatusCode System.Int32 The integer value that contains the dynamic evidence status code.
StatusCodeType System.Int32 The integer value that contains the dynamic evidence status code type.
ErrorMessage System.String The string value that contains error message.
RecordCount System.Int64 The long value that contains the number of dynamic evidence records that was archived.
Archive System.Byte The boolean value that specifies if dynamic evidence data was archived.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
ComponentStatus Orion.APM.ComponentStatus Defined by relationship Orion.APM.ComponentStatusHostsDynamicEvidence (System.Hosting)