SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ManagedEntity

Summary: This entity presents the mailbox information.


Name Type Notes
ID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of mailbox.
DatabaseID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of parent mailbox database.
DatabaseName System.String The string value that contains database name.
UserLogonName System.String The string value that contains user login name.
UserName System.String The string value that contains user name.
UniqueID System.Guid The mailbox GUID.
Type System.Int64 The long value that contains mailbox type.
OrganizationalUnit System.String The string value that contains mailbox organizational unit.
PrimarySmtpAddress System.String The string value that contains mailbox primary SMTP address.
LastModified System.DateTime The date and time of the last mailbox modification.
TotalItemSize System.Int64 The long value that specifies mailbox items size.
ItemCount System.Int32 The long value that specifies mailbox items count.
AttachmentsSize System.Int64 The long value that specifies mailbox attachments size.
AttachmentsCount System.Int32 The long value that specifies mailbox attachments count.
LastLogonTime System.DateTime The date and time of the last mailbox logon.
LastLogonUserAccount System.String The string value that contains the account name last used to log on to the mailbox.
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults System.Boolean The boolean value that specifies whether this mailbox uses the database defaults for quota properties.
ProhibitSendQuota System.Int64 The long value that contains the mailbox size at which users can no longer send messages.
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota System.Int64 The long value that contains the mailbox size at which the user is prohibited from sending or receiving email messages.
IssueWarningQuota System.Int64 The long value that contains the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user.
PercentageOfUsedQuota System.Decimal The decimal value that contains percentage of used quota.
MessagesSentInternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of sent internal emails.
MessagesSentInternalSize System.Int64 The long value that contain the size of sent internal emails.
MessagesSentExternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of sent external emails.
MessagesSentExternalSize System.Int64 The long value that contain the size of sent external emails.
MessagesSent System.Int32 The integer value that contain the total number of sent emails.
MessagesSentSize System.Int64 The long value that contain the total size of sent emails.
MessagesReceivedInternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of received internal emails.
MessagesReceivedInternalSize System.Int64 The long value that contain the size of received internal emails.
MessagesReceivedExternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of received external emails.
MessagesReceivedExternalSize System.Int64 The long value that contain the size of received external emails.
MessagesReceived System.Int32 The integer value that contain the total number of received emails.
MessagesReceivedSize System.Int64 The long value that contain the total size of received emails.
MessagesSentLastSevenDaysInternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of sent internal emails in last 7 days.
MessagesSentLastSevenDaysExternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of sent external emails in last 7 days.
MessagesSentLastSevenDays System.Int32 The integer value that contain the total number of sent emails in last 7 days.
MessagesSentLastThirtyDaysInternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of sent internal emails in last 30 days.
MessagesSentLastThirtyDaysExternal System.Int32 The integer value that contain the number of sent external emails in last 30 days.
MessagesSentLastThirtyDays System.Int32 The integer value that contain the total number of sent emails in last 30 days.
Description System.String The string value that indicates mailbox entity description.
Status System.Int32 The integer value that contains mailbox status.
StatusDescription System.String The string value that contains mailbox status description.
DetailsUrl System.String URL to mailbox details page. Used in alerting.
Status System.Int32
StatusDescription System.String
StatusLED System.String
UnManaged System.Boolean Default='false'.
UnManageFrom System.DateTime
UnManageUntil System.DateTime
DetailsUrl System.String
Image System.String
AncestorDisplayNames System.String[]
AncestorDetailsUrls System.String[]
StatusIconHint System.String
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
MailboxAlert Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxAlert Defined by relationship Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxAlertReferencesMailbox (System.Reference)
Database Orion.APM.Exchange.Database Defined by relationship Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxHosting (System.Hosting)