SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: This entity presents details of site's bindings.


Name Type Notes
ID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of site binding.
DisplayName System.String The string representation of site binding name.
SiteID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of request target site.
Protocol System.String The protocol used for the site binding.
HostName System.String The host name used to access the site.
Port System.Int32 The port on which HTTP.sys must listen for requests made to a site.
IpAddress System.String The IP address that users can use to access a site.
BindingInformation System.String The nonempty read/write string value with three colon-delimited fields that specify binding information for a Web site. The first field is a specific IP address or an asterisk (an asterisk specifies all unassigned IP addresses). The second field is the port number; the default is 80. The third field is an optional host header.
SslSubject System.String The subject distinguished name from the certificate.
SslValidDate System.DateTime The date in local time on which a certificate becomes valid.
SslExpiryDate System.DateTime The date in local time after which a certificate is no longer valid.
SslPolicyErrors System.Int32 The property which enumerates Secure Socket Layer (SSL) policy errors.
SslDaysRemaining System.Int32 The number of remaining days for SSL certificate.
SslCommonName System.String The string value that contains the certificate common name.
SslCertificateUrl System.String The string value that contains the certificate common name and port.
DetailsUrl System.String URL to site details page. Used in alerting.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
Site Orion.APM.IIS.Site Defined by relationship Orion.APM.IIS.SiteHostsSiteBinding (System.Hosting)