SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: This entity represents an agent.


Name Type Notes
AgentId System.Int32 The unique integer representation of agent
AgentGuid System.Guid The globally unique identifier representation of agent
NodeId System.Int32 The unique integer representation of parent node.
Name System.String The string value that contains the name of the agent.
Hostname System.String Hostname of the server that this agent resides on.
DNSName System.String Full DNS name of the server that this agent resides on.
IP System.String IP Address of the server that this agent resides on.
OSVersion System.String Version of the operating system.
PollingEngineId System.Int32 ID of the polling engine
ConnectionStatus System.Int32 An integer value which represents the current connection status of the agent to AMS
ConnectionStatusMessage System.String A human readable string description of the current connection status of the agent to AMS
ConnectionStatusTimestamp System.DateTime Last time that the connection status was updated
AgentStatus System.Int32 An integer value which represents the current agent status
AgentStatusMessage System.String A human readable string description of the current agent status
AgentStatusTimestamp System.DateTime Last time that the agent status was updated
IsActiveAgent System.Boolean A boolean value indicating if the agent is in active mode (Agent-initiated communication) as opposed to passive (Server-initiated communication)
Mode System.Int32 A integer value with a value of 1 if the agent is in active mode (Agent-initiated communication), with a value of 2 if the agent is in passive (Server-initiated communication) mode or with a value of 0 if agent mode will be automatically detected during installation.
AgentVersion System.String Full version of the agent binaries.
AutoUpdateEnabled System.Boolean A boolean value that indicates if this agent can be updated without user intervention
OrionIdColumn System.String Default='AgentId'. Name of column/property with Agent ID. It's used internally by Orion.
PassiveAgentHostname System.String The hostname or IP address of the agent which AMS uses to connect to agent in passive mode.
PassiveAgentPort System.String The listening port of the agent which AMS uses to connect to agent in passive mode.
ProxyId System.Int32 ID of the proxy through which Agent to AMS connection takes place through
RegisteredOn System.DateTime Timestamp at which the agent was registered with AMS
SID System.String The Windows security identifier of the server that the agent is installed on, or a unique-like idendifier of the server in case of Linux system.
Is64Windows System.Boolean A boolean value indicating if the operating system of the agent is 64 bit.
CPUArch System.String A string value indicating the architecture of the CPU of the agent server.
OSArch System.String A string value indicating the architecture of the operating system of the agent server.
OSType System.String A string value which is the type of the operating system
OSDistro System.String A string value indicating the Linux type of distribution.
ResponseTime System.Int32 An integer value indicating in miliseconds how long it takes for a data message to go from AMS to Agent and back
Type System.Int32 An integer value indicating the type. Currently not used and always 0.
RuntimeOSDistro System.String A string value indicating the Linux distribution the agents binaries were built for.
RuntimeOSVersion System.String A string value indicating the version the agents binaries were built for.
RuntimeOSLabel System.String A string value indicating a human readable operating system label for which the agents binaries were built for.
OSLabel System.String A string value representing a human readable operating system label.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
Plugins Orion.AgentManagement.AgentPlugin Defined by relationship Orion.AgentManagement.AgentHostsPlugin (System.Hosting)
Probe Orion.NetPath.Probes Defined by relationship Orion.NetPath.AgentReferencesProbes (System.Reference)
Engine Orion.Engines Defined by relationship Orion.AgentManagement.EngineReferencesAgent (System.Reference)
Node Orion.Nodes Defined by relationship Orion.AgentManagement.NodeReferencesAgent (System.Reference)


Name Summary Parameters Returns
Deploy Deploys an agent to a machine defined by hostname and/or IP address.
DeployToNode Deploys an agent to an existing node using the supplied credentials.
DeployPlugin Deploys the specified plugin to the agent
RedeployPlugin Redeploys the specified plugin to the agent
UninstallPlugin Uninstalls the specified plugin from the agent
Uninstall Uninstalls the agent.
Delete Deletes the agent without uninstalling it.
ApproveReboot Approval for an agent to reboot.
ApproveUpdate Approval for an agent to be updated.
TestWithEngine Tests the connection between the agent and AMS
AssignToEngine Assigns an agent to a polling engine.
ValidateDeploymentCredentials Validates if provided credentials are valid for agent deployment. If credentials pass validation they can be safely used for deployment via Deploy verb.
RestartAgent Initiate Orion Agent service restart.