SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ExtensionEntity

Summary: Provides definition of DB resources (metrics grouped in categories). It provides no dynamic values (in terms values don't change in time unless user takes actions which will cause definition change) and as such it requires no time-frame.


Name Type Notes
Name System.String Specifies a name of a resource (e.g. Active Sessions, Memory Utilization, Signal Waits Percent)
DisplayName System.String Resource name used in DPA UI
CategoryName System.String Specifies a name of a category a resource belongs (e.g. CPU, Memory, Sessions)
Description System.String Specifies a short description of a resource (e.g. Number of batches being executed by SQL Server every second for resource having name Batch Requests Per Sec and belonging to category Sessions)
ValueUnit System.String Specifies a unit of this metric (e.g. requests/second, %, pages/second). Unit is represented on Y axis of resource graph.
Thresholds System.String Specifies a comma separated list of threshold values. It contains both WARN and CRITICAL limits where first two values are WARN limits and second two CRITICAL limits (e.g. 80,90,90,null)
DatabaseId System.Int32 Specifies for which DB instance is this resource applicable. Reference to Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance.Id
GlobalDatabaseId System.Int32 Unique ID of database instance in Orion
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
DatabaseInstance Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance Defined by relationship Orion.ResourceDefinitionDatabaseInstance (System.Reference)