SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ExtensionEntity

Summary: Definition of PerfStack compatible metrics available for specific Database Instance


Name Type Notes
DatabaseInstanceID System.Int32 ID of Database Instance
GlobalDatabaseInstanceID System.Int32 Unique ID of Database Instance
CategoryName System.String Name of a category a metric belongs to (e.g. CPU, Memory, Sessions, WaitTimes) in format that allows use this property in URL. In case of default category it is same as CategoryDisplayName with trimmed non-alphanumeric characters. In case of custom metrics it is a hash code of CategoryDisplayName.
CategoryDisplayName System.String User friendly metric category name
MetricName System.String Name of a metric (e.g. ActiveSessions, MemoryUtilization, SignalWaitsPercent, TotalInstanceWaitTime) in format that allows use this property in URL. In case of default metric it is same as MetricDisplayName with trimmed non-alphanumeric characters. In case of custom metrics it is a hash code of internal DPA metric name
MinValue System.Int32 Minimum value this resource can return. Defaults to 0 if not defined.
MaxValue System.Int32 Maximum value this resource can return. Defaults to 0 if not defined. (e.g. 100 for data in percents)
DefaultAggregation System.String Default value aggregation to use in case data has to be aggregated on client side due to different granularity. Currently is always set to SUM.
Units System.String Unit of this metric (e.g. requests/second, %, pages/second). Unit is represented on Y axis of resource graph.
ChartType System.String Determines how data should be displayed. "Gauge" = sparklines; "Bar" = bars; "Stacked" = stacked bars
Subtitle System.String Metric subtitle used in data explorer in perfstack
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
DatabaseInstance Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance Defined by relationship Orion.DatabaseInstanceTimeSeriesDefinition (System.Reference)