SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: This entity presents the mailbox database information. Used in alerting.


Name Type Notes
ApplicationID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of application.
DatabaseID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of mailbox database.
Name System.String The string value that contains the name of mailbox database.
DatabaseIdentity System.String The unique string representation of mailbox database.
Status System.Int32 The integer value that contains database status.
PreferredServer System.String The string value that contains the name of preferred server.
ServerName System.String The string value that contains the name of parent node.
IsOnPreferredServer System.Int32 The boolean value that specifies if database is on preferred server.
DisplayStatus System.String The string value that contains database status.
LastFailoverTimeStamp System.DateTime The last fail over date and time.
LastFailoverTimeStampDiff System.Int32 The last fail over date and time.
ActiveCopyID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of database active copy.
ActiveCopyActivationPreference System.Int32 The integer value that contains database copy activation preference.
ActiveApplicationName System.String The string value that contains the name of the application.
FileUsedTotalSpacePercentageMax System.Double The double value that contains the maximum number of database file space usage.
LogDirUsedTotalSpacePercentageMax System.Double The double value that contains the maximum number of database log space usage.
DaysFromLastFullBackup System.Int32 Number of days passed since last full database backup.
DaysFromLastIncrementalBackup System.Int32 Number of days passed since last incremental database backup.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
Database Orion.APM.Exchange.Database Defined by relationship Orion.APM.Exchange.DatabaseAlertReferencesDatabase (System.Reference)