SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: This entity presents the mailbox information. Used in alerting.


Name Type Notes
ID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of mailbox.
DatabaseID System.Int32 The unique integer of database, where the mailbox resides.
TotalItemSize System.Int64 The long value that specifies mailbox items size.
DisplayName System.String The string value that contains mailbox display name.
PrimarySmtpAddress System.String The string value that contains mailbox primary SMTP address.
ItemCount System.Int32 The long value that specifies mailbox items count.
PercentUsedQuota System.Double The double value that contains percent of used quota.
AttachmentsSize System.Int64 The long value that specifies mailbox attachments size.
MailboxWarningLimit System.Int64 The long value that contains the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user.
MailboxProhibitSend System.Int64 The long value that contains the mailbox size at which users can no longer send messages.
MailboxProhibitSendReceive System.Int64 The long value that contains the mailbox size at which the user is prohibited from sending or receiving email messages.
Status System.Int32 The integer value that mailbox status.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
Mailbox Orion.APM.Exchange.Mailbox Defined by relationship Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxAlertReferencesMailbox (System.Reference)