SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: This entity presents SQL connection.


Name Type Notes
ApplicationID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of application.
ServerSessionID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of server session.
SqlDatabaseID System.Int32 The unique integer representation of parent SQL database.
IpAddress System.String The string value that contains server IP address.
Login System.String The string value that contains login user name.
ConnectTime System.DateTime The date of database connection.
Status System.Int32 The status of an connection.
TimeStamp System.DateTime The date of last poll for connection information.
TransferredBytes System.Int64 The long value that contains the number of transferred bytes during connection.
ConnectionDurationInSecs System.Int32 The integer value that contains the connection duration in seconds.
ConnectionDurationHourPart System.Int32 The integer value that contains the hour part of connection duration.
ConnectionDurationMinutePart System.Int32 The integer value that contains the minutes part of connection duration.
IdleTimeInSecs System.Int32 The integer value that contains the connection idle time in seconds.
IdleTimeHourPart System.Int32 The integer value that contains the hour part of connection idle time.
IdleTimeMinutePart System.Int32 The integer value that contains the minutes part of connection idle time.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.