SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.Entity

Summary: The types of install packages for Linux distributions


Name Type Notes
PackageId System.String A unique value describing the install package.
Name System.String A string value which is a user friendly description of the package.
OsType System.String A string value describing operating system which this package was made for
OsDistro System.String A string value indicating the distribution which this package was made for.
OsVersion System.String A string value indicating the version of operating system for which this package was made for.
OsArchitecture System.String A string value indicating the architecture for which this package was made for.
PackageType System.String A string value representing the flavor of the package. (i.e. RPM or Deb)
PackageManagementTool System.String The package management tool used to install this package.
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.