SolarWinds Information Service v3.0 Schema Documentation



Base type: System.ManagedEntity

Summary: Integrated DPA server


Name Type Notes
DpaServerId System.Int32 ID of DPA server
DisplayName System.String Name of DPA server
JSwisAddress System.String Address of jSwis endpoint
JSwisObjectUriBase System.String Scheme and hostname for URIs of entities from this DPA server
JSwisCredentialId System.Int32 ID of credentials (SQL table Credential) to DPA jSwis
OrionHostname System.String IP/Address of Orion, which was used for integration with DPA
OrionHostnameSetByUser System.Boolean Flag if OrionHostname was changed by user during the integration
DpaServiceUserAccountId System.String ID of account in Orion for DPA
IntegrationStatus System.Int32 Integration status
IntegrationStatusDescription System.String Description of integration status
Status System.Int32 Status of DPA server
StatusDescription System.String Description of status
FeaturesCatalogDiff System.String
DetailsUrl System.String URL to details view of DPA server
Status System.Int32
StatusDescription System.String
StatusLED System.String
UnManaged System.Boolean Default='false'.
UnManageFrom System.DateTime
UnManageUntil System.DateTime
DetailsUrl System.String
Image System.String
AncestorDisplayNames System.String[]
AncestorDetailsUrls System.String[]
StatusIconHint System.String
DisplayName System.String
Description System.String
InstanceType System.Type
Uri System.String
InstanceSiteId System.Int32 Default='0'.
RemoteSwis SWISf.RemoteSWIS Defined by relationship Orion.DpaServerRemoteSwis (System.Reference)
ProductInfo DPA.ProductInfo Defined by relationship Orion.DpaServerProductInfo (System.Reference)
DatabaseInstance Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance Defined by relationship Orion.DpaServerDatabaseInstance (System.Reference)


Name Summary Parameters Returns
RefreshSchema Refresh federation schema of for particular DPA Server