SolarWinds Information Service 2019.2.5200 Schema Documentation
Trend data for DB instance per dimension
↳ System.Entity
↳ System.ExtensionEntity
Access control
Operations |
Right |
read |
everyone |
Name |
Type |
Summary |
Access Control |
DatabaseId |
System.Int32 |
Reference to Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance.Id. This parameter is not required for data-dimensions 18, 19 and 20 (see bellow – virtual dimensions). On the other hand this parameter can be specified with WHERE Id IN (x, y, z) for these three dimensions |
everyone |
GlobalDatabaseId |
System.Int32 |
Unique ID of database instance in Orion |
everyone |
Id |
System.Int32 |
Trend data-dimension; possible values are: SQL (1), WAIT (2), PROGRAM (3), DATABASE_INSTANCE (4), MACHINE (5), DB_USER (6), OS_USER (7), FILE (8), DRIVE (9), PLAN (10), ACTION (11), MODULE (12), PARTITION (13), OBJECT (14), PROCEDURE (15) and virtual dimensions TOP_WAIT (18), TRENDING_UP_WAIT (19), TRENDING_DOWN_WAIT (20) |
everyone |
Name |
System.String |
Data-dimension names–readable data-dimension representations: 'SQL Statement', 'Wait-time', 'Program', 'Database', 'Machine', 'Database User', 'O/S User', 'File', 'Drive', 'Plan', 'Action', 'Module', 'Partition', 'Object', 'Procedure', 'Top Wait-time', 'Trending-up Wait-time', 'Trending-down Wait-time' |
everyone |
Wait |
System.Double |
Total wait-time in seconds for each returned record. For Trending-up (down) wait-time this value represents percent change (not time) |
everyone |
AverageWait |
System.Double |
Average wait-time in seconds for DB instance |
everyone |
Time |
System.DateTime |
Time-stamp of entity record (operators <, <=, > and >= can be used in WHERE clauses on this field) |
everyone |
TimeUnit |
System.Int32 |
Used for filtration of records by setting desired granularity (millis (0), seconds (1), minutes (2), hours (3), days (4), weeks (5), months (6)) |
Since this is only a prototype the only values allowed are 3 (hours) and 4 (days) and both are mutually exclusive (you cannot get records for both hours and days by a single query) |
everyone |
InstanceId |
System.Int64 |
IDs of an instances in DPA; for programs, machines, users, etc. these are typically generically-generated IDs in local repository table; for SQL texts these are SQL hashes |
everyone |
InstanceName |
System.String |
Name of an instance; e.g. 'IGNITE' (for program), 'administrator-XYZ' (for user), 348A3F21 (for SQL text) |
everyone |
InstanceValue |
System.String |
Typically set only for SQLs–this field contains full SQL text |
everyone |
MaxInstances |
System.Int32 |
Serves only to limit the maximal number of monitored database instances to be retrieved (top 5, 10, etc.) |
everyone |
Target Relationships
Name |
Type |
Notes |
DatabaseInstance |
Orion.DPA.DatabaseInstance |
Defined by relationship Orion.DatabaseInstanceTrendDataDimension (System.Reference) |