SolarWinds Information Service 2020.2 Schema Documentation
This entity represents the Transactions information.
Access control
Operations | Right |
read,invoke | everyone |
create,read,update,delete,invoke | admin |
Name | Type | Summary | Access Control |
TransactionId | System.Int32 | The unique integer representation of transaction id. | everyone |
RecordingId | System.Int32 | The integer value that contains recording id. | everyone |
AgentId | System.Int32 | The unique integer representation of agent. | everyone |
Name | System.String | The string value that contains transaction name. | everyone |
Frequency | System.Int32 | The integer value that contains transaction frequency. | everyone |
JobId | System.Guid | The guid value that contains additional identifier. | everyone |
LastDuration | System.Int32 | The integer value that contains last duration. | everyone |
LastDateTimeUtc | System.DateTime | The datetime value that contains last time stamp. | everyone |
LastPlayedUtc | System.DateTime | The datetime value that contains last played. | everyone |
WarningThreshold | System.Int32 | The integer value that contains warning treshold. | everyone |
CriticalThreshold | System.Int32 | The integer value that contains critical treshold. | everyone |
LastErrorMessage | System.String | The string value that contains transaction last error message. | everyone |
OrionIdColumn | System.String | The string value that contains transaction Orion column id. | everyone |
LastModificationUtc | System.DateTime | The datetime value that contains last modification. | everyone |
UnManaged | System.Boolean | The bolean value that specifies if transaction is unmanaged. | everyone |
IsEnabled | System.Boolean | The bolean value that specifies if transaction is enabled. | everyone |
DetailsUrl | System.String | The string value that contains transaction details url. | everyone |
Source Relationships
Name | Type | Notes |
ResponseTimes | Orion.SEUM.ResponseTime | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionReferencesResponseTime (System.Reference) |
ResponseTimeReports | Orion.SEUM.ResponseTimeReport | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionReferencesResponseTimeReport (System.Reference) |
ResponseTimesDetail | Orion.SEUM.ResponseTimeDetail | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionReferencesResponseTimeDetail (System.Reference) |
RunParameters | Orion.SEUM.TransactionRunParameters | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionReferencesTransactionRunParameters (System.Reference) |
CustomProperties | Orion.SEUM.TransactionCustomProperties | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionHostsCustomProperties (System.Hosting) |
RelySteps | Orion.SEUM.TransactionSteps | Defined by relationship Orion.Rely.TransactionsToSteps (System.Reliance) |
Steps | Orion.SEUM.TransactionSteps | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionHostsTransactionSteps (System.Hosting) |
WebUri | Orion.SEUM.TransactionWebUri | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.TransactionHostsWebUri (System.Hosting) |
Target Relationships
Name | Type | Notes |
Agent | Orion.SEUM.Agents | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.AgentHostsTransactions (System.Hosting) |
Recording | Orion.SEUM.Recordings | Defined by relationship Orion.SEUM.RecordingReferencesTransactions (System.Reference) |
Verb to unmanage transactionnetObjectIdstart time when transaction is not managedend time when transaction is not managedindicates whether remanage time is relative to unmanage time
Access control
Verb to remanage transactionnetObjetId
Access control
Verb to create transactionId of the recording to be run in transactionId of the agent that will run the transactionReturns transaction id.
Access control