SolarWinds Information Service 2019.4 Schema Documentation
This entity presents the mailbox information.
Access control
Name | Type | Summary | Access Control |
ID | System.Int32 | The unique integer representation of mailbox. | everyone |
DatabaseID | System.Int32 | The unique integer representation of parent mailbox database. | everyone |
DatabaseName | System.String | The string value that contains database name. | everyone |
UserLogonName | System.String | The string value that contains user login name. | everyone |
UserName | System.String | The string value that contains user name. | everyone |
UniqueID | System.Guid | The mailbox GUID. | everyone |
Type | System.Int64 | The long value that contains mailbox type. | everyone |
OrganizationalUnit | System.String | The string value that contains mailbox organizational unit. | everyone |
PrimarySmtpAddress | System.String | The string value that contains mailbox primary SMTP address. | everyone |
LastModified | System.DateTime | The date and time of the last mailbox modification. | everyone |
TotalItemSize | System.Int64 | The long value that specifies mailbox items size. | everyone |
ItemCount | System.Int32 | The long value that specifies mailbox items count. | everyone |
AttachmentsSize | System.Int64 | The long value that specifies mailbox attachments size. | everyone |
AttachmentsCount | System.Int32 | The long value that specifies mailbox attachments count. | everyone |
LastLogonTime | System.DateTime | The date and time of the last mailbox logon. | everyone |
LastLogonUserAccount | System.String | The string value that contains the account name last used to log on to the mailbox. | everyone |
UseDatabaseQuotaDefaults | System.Boolean | The boolean value that specifies whether this mailbox uses the database defaults for quota properties. | everyone |
ProhibitSendQuota | System.Int64 | The long value that contains the mailbox size at which users can no longer send messages. | everyone |
ProhibitSendReceiveQuota | System.Int64 | The long value that contains the mailbox size at which the user is prohibited from sending or receiving email messages. | everyone |
IssueWarningQuota | System.Int64 | The long value that contains the mailbox size at which a warning message is sent to the user. | everyone |
PercentageOfUsedQuota | System.Decimal | The decimal value that contains percentage of used quota. | everyone |
MessagesSentInternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of sent internal emails. | everyone |
MessagesSentInternalSize | System.Int64 | The long value that contain the size of sent internal emails. | everyone |
MessagesSentExternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of sent external emails. | everyone |
MessagesSentExternalSize | System.Int64 | The long value that contain the size of sent external emails. | everyone |
MessagesSent | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the total number of sent emails. | everyone |
MessagesSentSize | System.Int64 | The long value that contain the total size of sent emails. | everyone |
MessagesReceivedInternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of received internal emails. | everyone |
MessagesReceivedInternalSize | System.Int64 | The long value that contain the size of received internal emails. | everyone |
MessagesReceivedExternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of received external emails. | everyone |
MessagesReceivedExternalSize | System.Int64 | The long value that contain the size of received external emails. | everyone |
MessagesReceived | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the total number of received emails. | everyone |
MessagesReceivedSize | System.Int64 | The long value that contain the total size of received emails. | everyone |
MessagesSentLastSevenDaysInternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of sent internal emails in last 7 days. | everyone |
MessagesSentLastSevenDaysExternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of sent external emails in last 7 days. | everyone |
MessagesSentLastSevenDays | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the total number of sent emails in last 7 days. | everyone |
MessagesSentLastThirtyDaysInternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of sent internal emails in last 30 days. | everyone |
MessagesSentLastThirtyDaysExternal | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the number of sent external emails in last 30 days. | everyone |
MessagesSentLastThirtyDays | System.Int32 | The integer value that contain the total number of sent emails in last 30 days. | everyone |
Description | System.String | The string value that indicates mailbox entity description. | everyone |
Status | System.Int32 | The integer value that contains mailbox status. | everyone |
StatusDescription | System.String | The string value that contains mailbox status description. | everyone |
DetailsUrl | System.String | URL to mailbox details page. Used in alerting. | everyone |
Source Relationships
Name | Type | Notes |
MailboxAlert | Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxAlert | Defined by relationship Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxAlertReferencesMailbox (System.Reference) |
Target Relationships
Name | Type | Notes |
Database | Orion.APM.Exchange.Database | Defined by relationship Orion.APM.Exchange.MailboxHosting (System.Hosting) |